Nokia is going to change the name “Nokia”

Nokia is going to be the end of 12 years. The name change is being done through the well-known Nokia Nokia Mobile go this way. Nokia Mobile Division changed its name to the name of the Microsoft mobile MS authorities.
By the end of April to buy Nokia's mobile division has completed the process of constructing the largest software company in the world. Technology of the hearing at the Senate website.

Recently, a letter from Finland Nokia and Microsoft Agreements have been leaked online. According to this letter, is the new name and the new name of Nokia Corporation Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Mobile . The letter also claimed that Microsoft and Nokia deal will be completed soon. However, in March, the month of April, the agreement between Microsoft and Nokia officials had expressed concern to complete the activities.

Nokia will continue to do? This question seems a natural place. The U.S. market - analysts said, Microsoft has been selling the Nokia Nokia is the Nokia name is deleted or lost simply is not going to. This means he now knows the identity of the people that go Nokia. Microsoft just bought Nokia mobile phones including Nokia feature phone makers team section. However, network equipment, has sold the business to business and Hare Nokia Maps authority. Nokia has the right to use the brand name of the current Nokia authority. 7 0 million U.S. dollar contract for a decade, Microsoft has received permission to use the Nokia brand name. In addition, Microsoft will be able to use the Lumia brand. Market - analysts said, despite Nokia names Microsoft mobile business partner institutions will have the same relationship with Microsoft.

As a condition of repurchase Nokia, Nokia 's products and services as well as all the rights and benefits of the Microsoft be liable .
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