Importing the database for WaveMaker || Part-7

 Importing the database for WaveMaker

If you want to use the database, you'll need to import the database export file named custpurchase.sql in the project src folder. One way to import the database export is to connect to your MySQL server using the mysql command line client. As the export creates the database for us, we only need to source the file. The easiest way to do this is to
start the mysql client from the directory containing the export file. Then, from within the mysql client, use mysql> source custpuchase.sql to load the database schema and data from the file.

We'll cover working with databases in Chapter 7, Working with Databases, but examples are better with data, so let's configure our Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) connection to the database using the following steps:

1. Open the Services tab with the project open in the Studio.
2. Select the custpurchaseDB service from the service tree.
3. Open the database connections dialog by clicking on the wrench button.
In the database connection settings dialog, update the Username, Password, and Host fields to use the same connection you used to create the database in MySQL. Should your MySQL server not be running on port 3306, enter the correct port number as well. No other fields require review for this. The connection URL will be updated based on your other entries. Click on the Test Connection button to verify your settings. Once the connection tests successfully, save the properties by clicking
on the Save button.

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