Google AdSense alternative to income as well as a site to be Bidvertiser 100% Trusted site!!

Job scope:

A. Much higher than those in the freelance income them. However, if you want to work on freelance work well excelled in the course will be stated, will learn English better, have patience and intelligence to give. A lot of freelance work on the site in companioned is to develop myself. Until ready to freelance sites, there is no advantage in the job. You are so little time to learn about the site and the best idea, but I need freelance.

B. However, no income except in the way many will not freelance. Yes friends. Free advertising site as being the Publisher. This technique is the most popular and easy method. If your site is popular over here, then you can easily make income. And that does not work without the ads.

C. Google AdSense is such an advertising site. But everyone will publish Google AdSense on their site to be the head of this idea would be unlimited. Because much talked about Google AdSense. There are a variety of rules to be approving site. It is not bound by the terms of the net.

D. There are some sites where you be without Google AdSense is the best income. Whatever Bidvertiser site. Google’s position soon. Let us know some information about this –

1. Advertised on the web site in English as well as they tend to Bengali.

2. Site Submit is the easiest approve.

3. There are no conditions difficult. Bloomer Click my site I have several times. However, you should not click. Here was a Google AdSense account, and then you would have been banned.

4. When you check in at just $ 10 through PayPal withdrawal is $ 100. Every month of the date payment is 30.

5. Click through to your site, it will Bidvertiser first determine how much will ever get the same amount of income. , Such as Bengali site 3 cents cents to 10 cents per click and better quality of English for example my site is set up to USD $ 1 per click .

6. Click here 'm just impressions, refer, Customs will pay for the hits. For example, if the site of the 1000 impressions you get 1 dollar. Impression 700-800 dollars if you get 1 or old site or popular.

7. When you open an account with 5 / 6 can add web sites. These for each site will have its own ID to use. As a result, there is no need for multiple accounts.

How to open an account in Bidvertiser site as a Publisher.

1. At first go to

2. Come in a form> and the last part of the 1st write your name, mobile number, user name, email address and password in the Get Activation Code - click. Do not close the form.

3. If you’re monthly payments by mail, a copy of which will be an Activation ID, please paste bakers empty. Like the image below –

4. Let us mark the box Agreements all kayatite> Continue - the click.

5. Diameter of the account was created. Please login with your user name and password.
Publishers will publish the ad on your site?
1. Please enter your Bidvertiser site> Bidvertiser site at the top of the taskbar, click Ad new BidVertiser> there will be a form of -

A. BidVertiser Title: Here you can enter a title, such as: About, pchelplab, Deshbangla etc..

B. URL of your website: Here your site address. 3rd party ad server / URL forwarding: (optional) A - There is no need to mark.

C. Primary language of your website: Click here to select the language Bengali or English.

D. Select a category that most accurately describes your website: here Category Please selects Finish. The ads will be added to the site.

E. Do you want to publish your site, add the same size, no part of the site you want to be part of the Choose Template can customize. Get a Code of options and copy Text / JavaScript and Please paste option. Anserine image below.

ScreenShot005 গুগল অ্যাডসেন্সের বিকল্প হিসাবে ভাল একটি সাইট বিডভারটাইজার হতে আয় করুন! ১০০% ট্রাস্টেড সাইট!!

F. Take about 15 minutes, add the site to publish.
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