How to change the Wordpress blog admin URL
everybody! Now I will share a post about Wordpress. At present Wordpress is
most popular or uses of blogging or make an official website. Now I am showing that how to change Wordpress
admin log-in link. For a change this url for protecting your website from hackers.
WordPress sites are usually admin url, many times due to various mistakes, if you
have someones password to log in as the admin can easily find your site. And
the site of the damage could have been cited. Because of the large losses,
especially if commercial site may be prevented.
Change the
admin could put me at that url, you can finally stop the site being hacked.
How to do
it. Please see these steps…………
Step-1: Add
constant to wp-confing.php in your Wordpress webstie.
define('WP_ADMIN_DIR', 'secret-folder');
Step-2: Add
below filters to the functions.php in your cpanel.
add_filter('site_url', 'wpadmin_filter', 10, 3);function wpadmin_filter( $url, $path, $orig_scheme ) {$old = array( "/(wp-admin)/");$admin_dir = WP_ADMIN_DIR;$new = array($admin_dir);return preg_replace( $old, $new, $url, 1);}
Step-3: Add
below line to .htaccess file in your Wordpress website.
^secret-folder/(.*) wp-admin/$1?%{QUERY_STRING} [L]
That’s it. Now
you have the admin url………….
To learn more about Wordpress visit regular this Webstie.