How to know Css Syntax || Part-2

Css Syntax:

A web developer must be know css for design website. Css have some rules. The main parts of Css into two divided. The parts are: a selector and one of the declarations.
The selector is same html style. You can use html elements or selector for a design website.Every declarations consists of a proparty and value of Css. The property is a style who you can change any time. Each  proparty have a value.Css means that style of website.

Css Example:

Css always end a semicolon and declarations was dedicate brackets .To css make readable , you can pu t one declarations like this






Css Comments:

Css comments is a very important matter in every website. Comments are used a explain code.

A CSS comment start with "/*",  and ends with "*/", like this:

/*This is a comment of web tutorials*/




/*This is another comment*/


font-family:times new roman;


To learn more about css , to view the next post.

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