Direct Copy the text from any picture using 'Microsoft OneNote' Like OCR

Today, the subject matter of today's tune is how to copy text directly from the picture. Many of us have to write a lot of pictures in everyday life. Writing pictures is undoubtedly very annoying. It consumes our time. Well, if something could be done so that the text of the photo could be copied and copied somewhere else !!! Without doubt, we would have benefited a lot. It is worth the hassle of doing this work. At the same time, many would have survived. In today's tune I will show you how to copy the text directly from the picture and you can paste it anywhere you want. Let's see how to copy the text directly from the picture. Follow the steps: 

1. Firstly just copy the Picture/Image that's you want to convert in the text.

2. Then open "Microsoft OneNote" and create a blank note.

3. Now just Paste the Picture/Image that's you are selected. (Ctr+V)

4. Now, Move the cursor on the image and click the right button of the mouse and Select " Copy text from the Picture" .

5. Now paste the text any where you want.

6. Done: ENJOY.... 
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  • shaayri dil se
    shaayri dil se May 3, 2020 at 5:07 PM

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    APKFEATURES April 23, 2021 at 11:38 PM

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